Q. What makes DA's services so effective?A. DA's services are effective because they undergo a two-step process.
First, we provide knowledge about the Core Four (dreams, passions, gifts and talents) as we take you through the definitions and differences, identity common myths and misconceptions about themf and more.
Second, we provide an interactive process for you to apply that knowledge so you can find the answers of what your Core Four truly are -- Yes, the answers are inside you!
In Lifeshops, this is done through a series of unique learning activities.In Lifesteps, this is done through one-on-one communication with Founder Chris LaNave. And, in True You, this is done through a series of in-depth questions related to your Core Four that elicit reflection and help you access your Core Four and the True You!
Q. How long before there are results when using True You?
A. As soon as you understand some or all of the definitions, differences, myths, misconceptions and traditions regarding the Core Four, you can experience more hope, joy, energy, excitement and focus, and increased self-confidence, self-worth and self-esteem.
From there, the more you access your Core Four, the more you can experience clearer decision-making, healthier relaitonships, more fulfilling work, better educational experiences and a more satisfying rest of life.
Q. Why is it suggested to take a Lifeshop before I use True You?
A. Lifeshops provide foundational information about the Core Four, allow for questions and discussion, and has a number of unique learning activities, all designed to provide a rock-solid foundation to move forward with True You in the most effective and efficient manner possible.
Q. What ages are True You and Lifeshops for?
A. In general, people 15-16 years old and beyond have the ability to understand the content in True You and Lifeshops.
However, people who are younger than 15 years old may have the ability to understand on their own the entire content in True You and Lifeshops or a part of the content. It just depends on their capacity to do so.
If there is an older person, parent or mentor available to assist, younger people could also learn the content with their help.
Q. Why was 'Discovery Avenue' chosen for the company name?
A. The name was chosen because of the belief that life and how we move through it is a journey of self-discovery; one that each of us travels in our own way, the outcome of which is not predetermined. Through life's inevitable twists and turns we choose how to respond and what we focus on, making the 'avenue' we travel on one of exploration and opportunity to live the life we long for and desire.